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 Hought Fine Art & Leather
Braiding Instruction, Braiding Supplies, Braiding Kits, Tools and Articles


For details and other photos see link below.

Saddle Tan Roo & Roo Rawhide Bosal Set

Braiding Lessons - Private Instruction

 Phone Consultations

Commissioned Items
Leather & Rawhide Braided Tack  

 Western Braided Tack by Gail Hought







  Braided Horse Tack
Leather & Rawhide Braided Tack 
Bosals - Hackamores

Braided Collector Sets
Braided Accessories
Bosal Measurements
Photo Gallery of older work by Gail Hought

Commissioned Items
Leather & Rawhide Braided Tack  


Leather Horse Tack
Leather Tack by Eric Hought



Leather Strapwork Workshop - New
Workshops - Main Page
Braiding Kits

Basic Button & Knot Braiding Kits
Complete Beginner Braiding Kits
Pre-lesson Beginner Kit
Bosal Kits -
Key Fob Kits



 Bosal Kit

 Plenty O Dually modeling one of our
working bosal sets.
Braiding Supplies

Small Tools & Supplies
Hand Cut Kangaroo Lacing

Kangaroo Trimmings - Bundles
Jarrett Pistole's Rawhide Photos

We have several Braiding Kits available for immediate shipment
- no waiting required.

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International Customers

  Photos you may enjoy.





New Book - "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III"

The Art of Braiding, Bosal III - Pre-printing price. $10 off now until we go to print. See link for details in this book.
For more information or to order - "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III"


2 Pass Spanish Ring Knot
6 Bight Turk's Head
Efficiently Utilizing Materials

Bosal Necklace with hair tassels
Braiding a Key Fob
Building and Splitting Parallels

General rule for plaiting string length and string width
Balancing the nose button interweave

"Tying the Mecate"


Leather & Rawhide Braiding Books

Link to main Braiding Book Page -  Braiding Books

New prices buying books in groups: Go to this page for information and to order online.

 Quick links to the are below for the Rawhide & Leather Braiding Books



"The Art of Braiding
The Basics - Third Revised Ed."

The necessary basic techniques for rawhide braiding & leather braiding, published in 2016.

Code # BK-B9


 "The Art of Braiding, Small Projects - Book I

Code # BK-B8


 "The Art of Braiding, Long Pineapple Button"

Code # BK-B10


  "The Art of Braiding, Turk's Heads - I

Code # BK-B9

 "The Art of Braiding, Turk's Head II"

Published in 2018.

Code # BK-B12


  "The Art of Braiding, Bosal I - Revised"

Complete instruction for braiding a bosal.

Code # BK-B2


 "The Art of Braiding, Bosal II"

Instruction for adding color to a fancy bosal with fully braided headstall.

Code # BK-B4


"The Art of Braiding, Romal I" 

Most detailed in series. Working and braiding with rawhide. Braiding & expanding long buttons. 8 New “Skill Builder” projects.

Code # BK-B5


 The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins II

Figures braiding Santa Ynez romal reins. It is the most advanced of the braiding books with emphasis on learning the pattern of larger buttons. It also includes Elko style headstalls,.slit braiding and chapter about Ernie Ladouceur and curing rawhide.

Code # BK-B6


 "The Art of Braiding, Nylon Reins"

This book is more than Nylon Reins. There are several different reins plus a mecate, a 28 strand flat braid for leather. Most of the skills in this book are not used in the standard way we braid and plait leather and rawhide. A 12 strand wooven button braided as part of these reins is illustrated and instructed in detail in this book.

Code # BK-B13


Braiding News: Introducing a New Mailing list

To better serve your braiding needs, we invite you to join our leather braider email mailing list. Periodically, we plan to send Braiding News that we trust will be of value. Included will be any new material or tool sources, new available books and information that might be of interest to braiders. If you would like to be included on our list, please send your email address to hought@hought.com. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest.

Gail and Eric

  Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding by Bruce Grant, (1972)

 Email - hought@hought.com

 Copyright ©1997 - 2025 by Gail Hought. All Rights Reserved.