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 New Book - "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III"

 "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III" - Pre-printing price.

This book includes:

* The gaucho interweave on the nose button and heel knot.

* Transition from herringbone interweave to gaucho interweave on the nose button.

* Double core bosals.

* Pencil bosals, including one with the split in the nose button.

* A variety of box patterns in the nose button and heel knot.

* New side button pattern.

Parts of "Bosal III" are more advanced and will increase a braiders skill.

This pre-printing price will be available until the final edition is ready and goes to print. We go over the text many times and I braid some items (usually buttons) following my instructions to check for any errors and to pick up on any areas that need more clarification.

"Bosal III" will be the last book I write on this subject. Braiding bosals has always been my favorite.

When we start printing the price will go up to the regular price of $79.


Price: $69. You can use the link below to order.


 "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III"

Pre-Printing Price: $69.00

Use this shopping cart for both Domestic and International orders.

 Items may be ordered with PayPal or by Credit Card

 Images of "The Art of Braiding, Bosal III" will be added to this page on continuous basis. Keep coming back to see them.

 Images of the gaucho interweave on a nose button and heel knot.


 Images of the the open box pattern on the heel knot.  


Pencil bosal & Rope Bosalita 

Images of the the box pattern on the Nose Button.


The ongoing series includes:

The Art of Braiding, Small Projects – Book 1

The Art of Braiding The Basics - Third Revised Ed.

The Art of Braiding , The Bosal I - Rev.

The Art of Braiding, Bosal II

The Art of Braiding, Long Pineapple Button

The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins I

The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins ll

The Art of Braiding, Turk's Heads 1

The Art of Braiding, Turk's Head II

"The Art of Braiding, Nylon Reins"

To order books by mail.

For those that would prefer to order on the phone or by fax. The shipping prices by Priority Mail with a confirmation of delivery (within the US) is as follows:

1-2 books - $12.95
3-6 books - $19.50
6-10 books - $25.00

We find Priority Mail to reliable and fast.

 Checks, Money Orders, American Express, VISA, Master Card and PayPal
U.S. Currency
Make checks payable to "Hought"

 Email - hought@hought.com

 Copyright ©1997 - 2025 by Gail Hought. All Rights Reserved.