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Kangaroo Leather Lace

 Kangaroo Trimmings
"Roo "


Bundles of roo trimmings:

These bundles consist of the outer edge of the roo hides - the area that is left after cutting a circle out of the hide. Roo hides usually have a triangular shape so there tends to be 3 usable area in this trimming. Cut in small rounds, strings for small projects can be cut. They can be good for practice in cutting and beveling roo. The bundles will usually consist of 3 of these trimmings, weighing around 1 pound. To put this in prospective, un-cut hides in the 5-6 sq. ft. range weight around 1 pound. There are 3 colors in each bundle, generally in brown shades.

Roo Bundle (1-2 lb.) - $59.95
Trimmings of 4 hides


Roo Bundle (3-5 lb.) - Not available at this time.
Trimmings of 12 hides




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