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Braiding Kit A

Braiding Kit A1 - Basic Buttons & Knots with tools - $235.00
All of Braiding Kit A1 plus the instructional braiding book, The Art of Braiding, The Basics - Third Rev. Ed
Three colors of roo strings tagged to correspond with detailed information sheet on how to best use this kit. These strings are cut, split and beveled from kangaroo hides. They are the same quality that I use. The quantity is enough to braid 3 of each of the following buttons:
* 2 Pass Spanish Ring Knot
* 3 Pass Spanish Ring Knot
* 6 Bight Turk's Head with herringbone interweave.
* 6 Bight Turk's Head with a gaucho interweave
* Long pineapple button
* 4 Bight Gaucho
(Instructions for the above buttons are in the Art of Braiding, Basics - Rev. Ed.)
Tools include:
* Fid
* Bone folder
* 3.5 oz. can of white saddle soap
* Mandrel
The braider will need to furnish the following items: tape(cloth or masking), scissors, finishing stick(see suggestions in book).
 View the instructions that come with Kit A

"The Art of Braiding, The Basics - Third Revised. Ed."

 Items may be ordered with PayPal or by Credit Card

  Purchase online $235.00

Braiding Kit A1
Order with Paypal or credit card

Braiding Kit A2 - Basic Buttons & Knots with Tools - $180.00
Includes everything in Kit A1 except the braiding book, The Art of Braiding, Basics - Third Rev. Ed.

Purchase online - $180.00

  Braiding Kit A2
Order with Paypal or credit card


Prices are subject to change without notice.

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Braiding News: Introducing a New Mailing list

To better serve your braiding needs, we invite you to join our leather braider email mailing list. Periodically, we plan to send Braiding News that we trust will be of value. Included will be any new material or tool sources, new available books and information that might be of interest to braiders. If you would like to be included on our list, please send your email address to hought@humboldt1.com. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest.

Gail and Eric


Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery of kits.

 Email - hought@hought.com

 Copyright ©1997 - 2025 by Gail Hought. All Rights Reserved.