This Add-On Headstall offers the following features: 1.) 5/8" headstall. 2.) Overlays on nose, brow and halter cheeks. 3.) Combo 5/8"/ 3/4" halter - The areas of the headstall, the crown piece and chinstrap, which need the most strength are 3/4". The noseband, brow and cheeks are 5/8" giving a finer, less bulky appearance.
ADX8-K - - Solid Brass - $225.00
ADX8-Ks - Stainless Steel - $225.00
ADX8-HSB - Horse Shoe Brand - $290
Colors are:
Orange Beta 522/Black Beta Pictured in Stainless Steel Hardware
Deluxe Add-On Headstall (halter/combo) -
Choose your size and hardware.
Overlay colors on this shopping cart: hunter green, violet, London tan, yellow, lime green, orange 522, chestnut brown, royal blue, white and red.