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contributed by
Blair Hunewill


Hi Gail,
It was a real treat to meet you at your booth.  I am so glad I bought your Romal II book, filled with so many great things just like all the others I have of yours.  I just love the section regarding Ernie Ladouceur with the notes and pictures.  In my spare time I braid cowboy gear.  Mostly reins and bosals but some hondas and quirts too.  I am fortunate as a rancher that I get acess to hides and spend a lot of time riding with gear that I have braided.  My wife is from the NE corner of CA and her mother is neighbors with Bryan Neubert and I have spent time braiding with him.  Bill Black lives north in Plush, OR and has been very helpful too.  I refernce your books often and find the way you write so easy to understand.  I’ve attached some photos of recent projects.  I try to pick one thing I want to do better on the next one, otherwise it’s easy to find too many things I want to improve on.



 Email - hought@hought.com

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