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  Key Fob Page Main Page

Key Fob Page - Roo

Group A

Group C

Group D 

Group E 
Key fobs are short projects that are easy, fun, great gifts and the building blocks of larger more complex projects. They require few tools and offer no pressure. The kangaroo leather is resilient and helps the braider sharpen his or her braiding skills.

Braided Key Fob kits: Group B

Group B above is the 6 bight long pineapple buttton, one with an added contrasting color and the other solid color. They can be order as separate key fobs below or as a group of 2. See below.

 Items may be ordered with PayPal or by Credit Card


Purchase online - $15.00

Shipping/handling - $8.50

  Key fob braiding Kit kfB1
Order with Paypal or credit card




 Purchase online - $15.00

Shipping/handling - $8.50

  Key fob braiding Kit kfB2
Order with Paypal or credit card


 Save on shipping, order set of 2
 Purchase online - $28.00

 Shipping/handling - $8.50

  Key fob braiding Kit kfBg2
Group of 2
Order with Paypal

Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery of kits.

 Email - hought@hought.com

 Copyright ©1997 - 2019 by Gail Hought. All Rights Reserved.