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 The Art of Braiding, Bosal II


The Art of Braiding, Bosal II offers instruction for plaiting a 16 plait core, braiding an 8 bight nose button, 8 bight heel knot and adding 2 contrasting colors to the nose button and heel knot.

No doubt the bosal is my favorite piece of tack to braid. Those who braid many of the same items often develop a style that becomes their signature trademark. One of my most obvious braiding trademarks is the classic apple shape of the heel knot on the bosal. Other braiders may braid heel knots more pear shaped, round or even cone shaped. They are all functional. Care must be taken when braiding the nose button as variations occur and, as a result may compromise the function of the bosal. I have also included an all braided brow headstall with a fiador and mecate to make the project a complete set.

Each project is approached as if it were private instruction with you and I working together. In situations where there are choices and options, I will share my rational for my particular preference. Each specific skill needed is described in detail for ease of understanding. My methods work for me and are by no means the only way. When an area of instruction has been covered in a previous book, there will be a reference to it and the page number(s).

Kangaroo is used in the braiding demonstrations, as the focus of this book is to add contrasting color. The properties of roo make it the best choice of material when learning to braid. It provides the strongest, most consistent high quality strings and is easiest to cut. Throughout this book, I will give hints on working with rawhide. Braiding rawhide will be covered in detail in future books.

Instructions for "Tying the Mecate" were given in The Art of Braiding, Bosal I - Revised, The Art of Braiding, Bosal II covers "Tying the Fiador" and "Tying the Hackamore Knot." They are based on articles I wrote and illustrated for WESTERN HORSEMAN magazine.

The Index can be valuable resource as you continue to expand your braiding knowledge. The book now includes a Glossary to define notable terminology.

 Email - hought@hought.com

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