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 The Art of Braiding, Romal II


The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins ll is the second more advanced book in the romal braiding series. As in Art of Braiding, Romal Reins 1, information and skills are presented in a clear comprehensive manner with numerous detailed illustrations. Instruction is specific to the refined fancy Santa Ynez reins, a variation of the traditional romal reins. These plaited reins and accompanying buttons are made from kangaroo leather and kangaroo rawhide.

The rein pattern contains familiar buttons as well as several new more intricate buttons. Groundwork information, button types and their uses are thoroughly discussed. Every effort has been made to make it easier for the braider to learn these buttons, their patterns and what makes them have an elegant look.

A String Chart, containing all necessary string lengths for each button along with the number of buttons required, has been added, see pages 10-11. This chart gives a braider some perspective when deciding to braid a larger project. These types of projects take much more string length then one would expect.

When I refer to knots, buttons or skills that have been covered in other books, usually The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins l, the information will be cited by page number or as a footnote. If the button is new to this book, the page number(s) where the information can be found will be given. In the text the words kangaroo and roo are interchangeable.

As with our other books, it is important to read the beginning of each chapter, any accompanying emphasized text, Notes and Hints. 'How to' instructions are designed to reinforce the photo illustrations. To support understanding, a Key to Illustrations has been added to identify relevant information displayed on each photo such as arrows and dotted lines. Occasionally other pertinent details will also be added.

Projects other than the Santa Ynez reins included the Elko headstall, a braided curb strap and the double looped laced ring. The final skill is slit braiding written by my husband Eric, a supurb leatherwork craftsman. Although this type of work is often related to strapwork it is, in this case, a braiding technique associated with the Elko headstall taught in this book.

The final chapter is dedicated to an exceptional leather and rawhide braider, Ernie Ladouceur, who I had the privilege of meeting in the fall of 1978. Although in frail health, Ernie delighted in discussing braiding and generously shared his skills and knowledge with me. To preserve his expertise, I have included my photographs of some of his original work and notes taken during our conversations. Added is a scan of Ernie's diagram of Curing and Preparing Rawhide hand drawn for me at the time.

The Index has been revised to reflect information in this book and a Glossary has been added to define notable terminology.
I trust I have included enough detailed information to support your learning and that you will be successful braiding this attractive set of Santa Ynez reins.

 Email - hought@hought.com

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