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Show Rawhide and Chestnut Roo Bosal Set

For Sale

Diameter: 5/8", twisted rawhide core.

We made this bosal set in the early 1990's. It was made to go especially well with a palomino mare. The mecate is Blind Bob's, with a special request to be made all white including the inner core. The popper and button on the mecate is braided to match the bosal. The headstall is our doubled and sewn "Elko Style" with braided rawhide buttons. The sterling silver on the headstall is made by Bob Schaezlein and Son. As you can see, it is in very good condition and was used lightly in the show ring.

Please contact the owner for price and more details.

Gloria at (860) 481-5636



 Email - hought@hought.com

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